Download my full CV here. [will be available soon]

Scientific education

2020 –PhD Candidate in Phonetics and Phonology (Sorbonne Nouvelle,Paris, France)
Project title: „Secondary Articuatlions in Tashlhiyt. Production, perception and modelling of Labialization and Pharyngealization“
2018 -2020M.A.Empirical Linguistics (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Focus: Phonetics and Phonology
Thesis title: „Estimation of phonological features using phonetic cues“
2014 – 2018B.A.Empirical Linguistics (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Major: Phonetics and Phonology
Minor: General Comparative Linguistics
Thesis title: „Die Phonetik und Phonologie der R-Aspiration im Neuostarmenischen“ [The Phonetics and Phonology of R-Aspiration in Modern Eastern Armenian]


2024 –Ingénieur d’étude (LPP, Paris, France)
Project: ANR JCJC INSPECT (ANR-23-CE28-0017; PI Anne Hermes)
– data collection
– data analysis
– modelling
– software development
2020Research assistant (full time) (Institute of Empirical Linguistics, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Project: „Altlitauisch Digital: Korpus des Kristijonas Donelaitis (CorDon)“
– webdesign
– GUI development
– data visualization
– automatic standardization of corpus data
– database design
– implementation of a search function
2016 – 2020Student assistant (Institute of Empirical Linguistics, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)– teaching assistance
– digitalization of tape recordings
– automatic transliteration, text correction, format conversion and dictionary creation


see here.


see here.

Awards and Nominations

2023AwardIPA Student Award for the paper:
Buech, P., Hermes, A. & Ridouane, R. (2023). Labialization in Amazigh: Acoustic and articulatory marking over time. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
2022Nomination Shortlisted for the Best Student Paper Awards at Interspeech 2022 (Incheon, South Korea) for the paper:
Buech, P., Ridouane, R. & Hermes, A. (2022): Pharyngealization in Amazigh: Acoustic and articulatory marking over time. Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea.