Peer-reviewed Journal papers
Buech, P., Hermes, A., & Ridouane, R. (2025). Pharyngealization in Tashlhiyt from kinematic and acoustic perspectives. Laboratory Phonology, 16(1), 1-49. doi: [LabPhon] [RG]
Shao, B., Hermes, A., Buech, P., & Giavazzi, M. (2025). Articulatory consequences of lexical stress on post-tonic velar plosives in Italian. Journal of Phonetics, 108, 1-18. doi: [JPhon]
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Shao, B., Buech, P., Hermes, A., & Giavazzi, M. (2024). Positional Effect in the Articulation and Acoustics of Stressed Vowels in Italian. Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, Netherlands. [ISCA]
Shao, B., Buech, P., Hermes, A., Giavazzi, M. (2023). Lexical stress and velar palatalization in Italian: A spatio-temporal interaction. Interspeech 2023, Dublin, Ireland (20-24 Aug 2023) [ISCA]
Buech, P., Hermes, A. & Ridouane, R. (2023). Labialization in Amazigh: Acoustic and articulatory marking over time. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 Aug 2023) [ICPhS]
Mücke, D., Thies, T., Buech, P., Furlani, N., Schreen, J. & Hermes, A. (2023). Variability in space, compensation in time: Effects of Aging on tognue body kinematics in prosodic focus marking. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 Aug 2023) [ICPhS]
Oh,, S., Fougeron, C., Buech, P., & Hermes, A. (2023). CV coordination: The case of enchaînement and liaison in French. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 Aug 2023) [ICPhS]
Hallé, P., Buech, P., Chang, Y., Hsieh, F., Gao, J., & Ridouane, R., (2023). Perception of Tashlhiyit Consonant quantity contrasts by native vs. nonnative listeners from three languages. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 Aug 2023) [ICPhS]
Shao, B., Giavazzi, M., Buech, P., & Hermes, A. (2023). Stress conditioned phonological process: A case study of Italian Palatalization. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic (7-11 Aug 2023) [ICPhS]
Buech, P., Ridouane, R. & Hermes, A. (2022). Pharyngealization in Amazigh: Acoustic and articulatory marking over time. Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea (18-22 Sept 2022). DOI:10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10831 [RG] [ISCA] [HAL]
Buech, P., Roessig, S., Pagel, L., Mücke, D. & Hermes, A. (2022). ema2wav: doing articulation by Praat. Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea (18-22 Sept 2022). DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10813 [RG] [ISCA] [HAL]
Ridouane, R. & Buech, P. (2022). Complex sounds and cross-language influence: The case of ejectives in Omani Mehri. Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea (18-22 Sept 2022). DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10199 [RG] [ISCA]
Non peer-reviewed conference papers
Buech, P. (2024). When articulators slightly move: Secondary articulations in Tashlhiyt. Symposium du Labex EFL. Paris, France (28 Jun 2024)
Buech, P., Hermes, A., & Ridouane, R. (2024). Effects of Pharyngealization and Labialization on Formants in Tashlhiyt. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. Autrans, France.
Buech, P., & Hermes, A. (2024). Introducting ADA: A Tool for Articulatory Data Analysis. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. Autrans, France.
Shao, B., Buech, P., Hermes, A. & Giavazzi, M. (2024). Positional Effect of Main Stress in Italian: an Articulatory and Acoustic Study. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. Autrans, France.
Hermes, A., Didirková, I., Buech, P., & Vannuscorps, G. (2024). Compensatory Strategies in Individuals with Moebius Syndrome: A Case Study. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. Autrans, France.
Buech, P., Hermes, A., & Ridouane, R. (2024). Labialization in Tashlhiyt: sex differences and regional variation. Journées de Linguistique Berbère IV. Perspectives coirsées sur les langues berbéres. Aix-en-Provence, France (7-8 February 2024)
Buech, P. (2023). Pharyngealization and labialization in Tashlhiyt: articulation and acoustics. Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris, France. [abstract]
Shao, B., Hermes, A., Buech, P. & Giavazzi, M. (2023). Velar palatalization in Italian: Lexical stress induces resistance to sound change. Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language. Seoul, South Korea (26-27 May 2023) [abstract]
Oh, S., Yildiz, A., Fougeron, C., Buech, P. & Hermes, A. (2023). Temporal coordination of CV: The case of liaison and enchaînement in French. Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language. Seoul, South Korea (26-27 May 2023) [abstract]
Buech, P. (2023). Labialization and pharyngealization in Tashlhiyt: Typology and phonetics. Berber languages and linguistics. Nantes Université (5 May 2023)
Buech, P. (2022). Les articulations secondaires en Tachelhit. Une perspective phonétique et phonologique. Presentation held at Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Ibn Zhor, Agadir (25 Nov 2022)
Buech, P. (2022). On the phonetics and phonology of secondary articulations – with special reference to Tashlhiyt. Presentation held at Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Mohammed V, Rabat (16 Nov 2022)
Buech, P. Hermes, A. & Ridouane, R. (2022). Articulatory characteristics of pharyngealization in Tashlhiyt. In: Stem-, Spraak- en Tallpathologie. Vol. 27: Supplement (2022): Abstracts 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, August 2022, 142-143. DOI: 10.21827/32.8310/2022-115
Buech, P., Roessig, S., Pagel, L. & Hermes, A. (2022). Making articulation accessible in Praat. In: Stem-, Spraak- en Tallpathologie. Vol. 27: Supplement (2022): Abstracts 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, August 2022, 289-290. DOI: 10.21827/32.8310/2022-115
Buech, P. (2022). Labialization in Tashlhiyt Amazigh: Preliminary results. Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands (29-31 Aug 2022)
Buech, P. & Treis, Y. (2022). Acoustic correlates of stress in Kambaata. Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands (29-31 Aug 2022)
Buech, P. (2022). Pharyngealization across different contexts: A Bayesian account. Summer school « Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception », Chorin, Germany (4-8 July 2022)
Buech, P., Hermes, A. & Ridouane, R. (2022). Towards a typology of secondary articulations. 19èmes rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Porto, Portugal (7-9 June 2022) [abstract]
Ridouane, R. & Buech, P. (2022). Ejectivity in Omani Mehri: A gradual shift to dorsopharyngealization? 19èmes rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Porto, Portugal (7-9 June 2022) [abstract]
Buech, P. (2021). Secondary articulation and cue weighting. Laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie, Paris, France (26 April 2021)
Buech, P. (2020). An integrative view on stop contrasts in Lithuanian. Presentation held at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main, Germany (15 March 2020)
Buech, P. (2019). Building a Corpus of Spoken Lithuanian. Presentation held at Issues of Baltic Linguistics: historical, typological and areal topics. Birštonas, Lithuania (26-28 September 2019)
Buech, P. (2019). Taking a Cue: Wie aus Schall [+voice] wird [Taking a Cue: How Sonic Becomes [+voice]]. Presentation held at 65. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft. Cologne, Germany (23-25 May 2019)
Buech, P. (2018). Die Phonetik und Phonologie der R-Aspiration im Neuostarmenischen [The phonetics and phonology of R-Aspiration in Modern Eastern Armenian]. Presentation held at 64. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, Göttingen, Germany (29 Novemeber – 1 December 2018)
Buech, P. (2018). „Ton“ bei Tonlosigkeit? Eine Untersuchung von stimmlosen Frikativen am Beispiel des Baskischen [„Tone“ despite absence of tone? An investigation of voiceless fricatives in Basque]. Presentation held at 63. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, Kiel, Germany (24-26 May 2018)
Buech, P. (2024). ADA – a tool for articulatory data analysis [computer program]. Retrieved from
Buech, P. & Roessig, S. (2022). ema2wav [computer program]. Retrieved from
Jolanta Gelumbeckaitė, Armin Hoenen (board), Mortimer Drach (annotator), Philipp Büch (programmer) (2020), Altlitauisch Digital: Corpus des Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714–1780) [Digital Old Lithuanian: Corpus of Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714-1789)]. Retrieved from