under construction
ema2wav is a tool for converting articulatory data into multi-channel wave files. These files can be displayed, annotated and analyzed in waveform editors like PRAAT. It may be used for teaching and research. Originally, I wrote the code basis at the beginning of my PhD in order to work with EMA data, but I developed it further in collaboration with Simon Roessig into this little, freely available and open-source tool, that may help to make EMA data accessible without programming knowledge and to work with this kind of data in a familiar environment for phonetic data analysis. Find more information and obtain a copy on the GitHub repository. See also our Interspeech paper and the corresponding poster.

Find here a selection of my scripts for phonetic data analysis. Feel free to use them for your work or use code snippets for your own scripts. You can either download the scripts from this page or using the GitHub link (all scripts are working, but the scripts deployed on GitHub are always the most recent ones) [links will be provided soon]
basic segment measurements (PRAAT)
A PRAAT script that extracts the following measurements for all given segments and for all wav and TextGrid files in a directory:
- Segment duration
- f0
- Formants 1-5
- Spectral moments (CoG, SD, Skewness, Kurtosis)
All measurements except duration are extracted at the mid of the segment.
basic contour measurements (PRAAT)
This PRAAT scripts extracts the following measurements:
- f0
- Formants 1-5
- intensity
at equally-distanced steps during the entire target segment and for all files in a given directory.
textgrid2csv (Python)
This python script converts PRAAT TextGrids into .csv files. It works out-of-the-box, no additional packages are required.
csv2textgrid (Python)
This python script converts .csv files (with the structure mentioned above) into PRAAT TextGrids.
stop burst detection (Python)
This python script converts .csv files (with the structure mentioned above) into PRAAT TextGrids.